How it works
- Every donation helps us plant and care for more kauri.
- We work with the Department of Conservation, LTNZ, the Thames-Coromandel and Hauraki District Councils and others to identify and establish special Kauri 2000 planting sites around the Peninsula.
- The Kauri 2000 Trust buys the seedlings and prepares the land for planting.
- Then, every winter, our volunteers carefully plant the 600mm-high trees, creating the forests of tomorrow.
- We record the location of all planting sites and trees in the Kauri 2000 database.
- We then monitor and maintain all planting sites for at least five years until the trees are established.
The Kauri 2000 Trust has worked mainly with the Department of Conservation, but also Transit NZ, the Thames-Coromandel District Council, reserve management groups and occasionally landowners, to identify planting sites on publicly owned or covenanted land. It is a fundamental principle that we plant on land that will remain in public ownership in perpetuity, where free right of access can be guaranteed. Ease of access is important not only for maintaining and caring for the trees but also so our donors can visit their trees.
Kauri 2000 is still very much based on the founding concept of appealing to the general population for support. The project allows people with any sort of connection to the peninsula to contribute to an environmental project in a way that gives them some sense of involvement and ownership, even though they might be urban apartment dwellers in Auckland, in the depths of Southland or back home in Germany, Russia or England.
Anyone can take part – families, individuals, whanau, friends, visitors from within New Zealand or overseas, communities, business and schools. All people need to do is make their donation we do the rest. We try and encourage people to plant kauri every year – for each of their children, their grandchildren, a new baby, to remember a special person or a loved one, to remember a special holiday or anniversary, or Christmas gift. If people are visiting we suggest there is no better way to remember their visit to the Coromandel. ‘Even though you’re far away, you’ll know there’ll always be a piece of your heart in the kauri forests of the Coromandel. And what better incentive to return!’
Every tree purchase donation of $20 helps plant another kauri on a Kauri 2000 planting site. For $10 extra, donors can also have their dedication as a digital recognition on our webpage, personalising their connection with Kauri 2000 even further. We send each donor a commemorative certificate identifying their unique tree number.

What have we achieved ?
Since the trust was formed in 1999, Kauri 2000 has planted over 55,000 kauri seedlings on 36 sites around the Coromandel peninsula. Some of our more notable locations include the following. Chelmsford on the Kopu-Hikui Road, including our Puketui Road, Tairua River...

The Kauri 2000 Organisation
Kauri 2000 evolved out of a project to mark the start of the new millennium with a goal to plant 2000 kauri. To date the Trust has planted over 54,000 kauri on the Coromandel Peninsula and continues to plant kauri throughout the Coromandel. 2019 marked the Trust's...

The Kauri 2000 Trust orders seedlings, prepares site management plans and arranges for sites to be cleared and prepared for planting. Seedlings are raised from eco-sourced seed, our supply grown for us by Habitat Enhancement and Landcare Partnership Waihi Inc....