Kauri 2000 News

News March 2018

150 Kauri Trees to Celebrate Thames 150 Years.

“What better way to mark the occasion than by planting these magnificent trees in the Kauaeranga Valley where they belong “says organiser Deborah MacDonald Brown, who has teamed up with Kauri 2000 and the Department of Conservation. “150 years ago we felled these trees to make our town; now is a great time to replace them”.

It is easy to take part. All you have to do is log onto the Kauri 2000 website and click on ‘donate now’ to purchase your seedling (which will be planted on your behalf). Make sure you type in Thames 150 so you can be part of this commemorative celebration.
Each seedling costs $20.

With the purchase of a tree, you will receive a certificate in the name of someone you wish to celebrate. “People are buying trees as presents for their grandchildren or to remember loved ones. This is what will make this planting so special.”

Deborah will be at the Thames Saturday Market on March 17 2018. Contact: 0272288011.

Chinese Conservation Education Trust Planting June 2017

Chinese Conservation Education Trust Planting June 2017

Over forty Chinese volunteers from the Chinese Conservation Education Trust came to plant near Coromandel last Saturday. Fabulous weather, views and trees.Planters split into two groups, with the energetic ones taking the steep walk to Kauri Hill overlooking the...

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June 2017 Planting

Superb day for planting We had a fantastic turnout for the weekend and the weather was great too!  Photos to come...  

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