News July 2018
Mercury Bay Area School
Fantastic weather at the end of May for the year 7 & 8 students-bright sunshine but very cold! A total of 434 kauri planted over two days with plantings supervised by Kauri 2000 Trustees,teachers and parents.
News January 2021
Kauri 2000 have received funding from MPI to help raise awareness to reduce the risk of Kauri Dieback transmission, particularly at this time when visitors to the Coromandel are peaking. Our local papers and publications are running the adverts below and we have had...
September 2020
A beautiful day today admiring the growth of young Kauri near Te Karo bay along the track from Sailors grave to Otara Bay. These trees have been planted over the years by students from Tairua School.......Stunning rocky coastline and lovely elevated views of the...