MBAS plantings at Matarangi
The weather played ball earlier this month to allow around 175 year 7 and 8 students from Mercury Bay Area School to head into steep bush near Matarangi to plant over 400 kauri, manuka and tanekaha.
The bluff area off Matarangi road has been recently cleared of pines, and the contribution that the students have made in helping to regenerate the native forest will be evident for years to come.
The Kauri 2000 Trust, which enables the planting each year through donations from supporters worldwide can attest to the skill of planting from the students. “ The students jumped in with the right attitude, suitable footwear for the rough terrain, and even came up with names for the several trees they planted with their groups. We have a long-standing relationship with the school and as always we were thrilled with the planting skills these students have. Also the support from parents and teachers involved in this year’s planting was truly appreciated” says Kauri 2000 trust chairperson Alison Henry.
And with the recent rains in the region, this is the very best start these trees can have.
Watch class plantings:
Spring Newsletter
Kauri 2000 2021 NewsletterKauri 2000 Spring Newsletter (print edition) October 2021Latest Kauri2000 Newsletter
Farewell, Dame Cath Tizard
Kauri 2000 pays a warm tribute to our Patron, Dame Cath Tizard who was our friend and mentor for 20 years. Dame Cath and our Founder, Cliff Heraud shared friendship and a keen sense of humour leaving us with many memories of laughter and happy occasions planting kauri...
BNZ planting day June 11
We loved having the team from BNZ markets and LGFA come and do their part in planting for the future in Matarangi last...
News January 2021
Kauri 2000 have received funding from MPI to help raise awareness to reduce the risk of Kauri Dieback transmission, particularly at this time when visitors to the Coromandel are peaking. Our local papers and publications are running the adverts below and we have had...
September 2020
A beautiful day today admiring the growth of young Kauri near Te Karo bay along the track from Sailors grave to Otara Bay. These trees have been planted over the years by students from Tairua School.......Stunning rocky coastline and lovely elevated views of the...
August 2020
A wonderful couple of days was spent with the Mercury Bay Area School children planting at Stella Evered reserve

News August 2019
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News July 2019
Planting June 2019Challenging conditions and weather meant that we postponed both the MBAS and volunteer plantings but we got there!! Thank you to all those that participated- succeed we did eventually. Latest Kauri2000 Newsletter

Volunteer Planting Day Saturday 8 June Where- Kuaotunu Reserve When- meet at 8.30 Info- email Latest Kauri2000 Newsletter

NEWS April 2019
Volunteer PlantingIt is nearly that time of year again! Site preparation is well underway and we will have volunteer planting on Saturday 8 June.This is a great day out if you can spare 4 or 5 hours, are reasonably fit and would enjoy meeting new and old friends....