Kauri 2000 News


Volunteer Planting Day Saturday 8 June

Where- Kuaotunu Reserve

When- meet at 8.30

Info- email info@kauri2000.co.nz



Spring Newsletter

Kauri 2000 2021 NewsletterKauri 2000 Spring Newsletter (print edition) October 2021Latest Kauri2000 Newsletter

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Farewell, Dame Cath Tizard

Kauri 2000 pays a warm tribute to our Patron, Dame Cath Tizard who was our friend and mentor for 20 years. Dame Cath and our Founder, Cliff Heraud shared friendship and a keen sense of humour leaving us with many memories of laughter and happy occasions planting kauri...

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BNZ planting day June 11

We loved having the team from BNZ markets and LGFA come and do their part in planting for the future in Matarangi last...

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Latest Kauri2000 Newsletter